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 Post subject: If you get an HTTP 403 or 503 message from the BGC....
PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 7:45 am 
Vice-Admin./Technical Affairs
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I've recently upgraded the site security, putting a "wrapper" around the site that prevents known malicious sites from accessing the BGC (which saves us lots of CPU usage - by blocking the malefactors we don't generate board pages for them, with all of the database access that entails).

What the "wrapper" does is intercept every request to the board, then it checks several blacklists to see if the IP the request is coming from is on those blacklists. If they are, the requester gets an HTTP 403 or 503 error, depending on how persistent they are.

What you should know is that no member is being banned - this is a reputation problem for the ISPs. We just subscribe to the blacklists to keep out rotten service providers like XS Server and OVH.

One big problem is AOL, which has managed to get itself on every one of those blacklists thanks to its rotating proxy system. I've tried to whitelist the AOL proxies but if you're using the AOL browser for whatever reason, you will get connected to the BGC via those proxies, and there's a possibility I've missed a range. If you simply must use the AOL browser, we can work around it, but I'd strongly suggest that you switch to Firefox or another browser of your choice.

Another problem is certain European ISPs. I've unblocked several, but because certain of them are regarded as spam-friendly, they do show up on the ban lists. Again, I'll be glad to work around the blocks for you. To my knowledge, the only providers at this point which may be an issue are Tiscali and Ukrtel, but it's of course possible that another provider might make it onto a blacklist.

If you are getting this message, or are in contact with a BGC-er who is doing so and can't reach us, please email me at bgctechsupport at gmail dot com with your IP address, who your provider is, and what time and date you attempted to access the BGC (with time zone, please). This way I can research which rule in our security system is locking you out, and can unblock it for you.

 Post subject: Re: If you get an HTTP 403 or 503 message from the BGC....
PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:54 pm 
BGC Fellow
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Joined: Mon May 10, 2004 8:54 pm
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Hey Mike -

I finally had a chance to glance into this forum and saw this post. Thanks!

This has happened to me recently as I have started traveling to Georgia (the country, not the state) and its happened to me a few times during my travels in Ukraine. I'll be sure to email you next time it does. I need my BGC! (especially on the road!).


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